[Oberon] Re (2): OLPC XO computer

peasthope at shaw.ca peasthope at shaw.ca
Fri Mar 8 16:29:56 CET 2013

From:	eas lab <lab.eas at gmail.com>
Date:	Fri, 8 Mar 2013 15:05:06 +0200
> You didn't say if you're using <LEO> or
> http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~fld/UnixAos/

You didn't open http://carnot.yi.org/ExampleSystems.html#OLPC .
It's plain text and not too big.  Surely you can open that 
even with a poor telephone modem connection.

There is a link to the Downloads page at the ETH which has a 
link to the uni-bremen.de you cited.

> SMTP plus TLS.    I need that desperately to better manage gmail.

SMTP and POP3 work.  Just sent and retrieved a test message.
Fullscreen Oberon => underlying Debian Linux 
=> Linux system at home via OpenVPN => ISP 
ISP => Linux system at home via OpenVPN 
=> underlying Debian Linux => Fullscreen Oberon.
In my setup TLS is provided by the underlying system.  
This message also sent from that system.  (!)
Aos has IMAP but I can't comment on that.  SMTP and 
POP3 suffice here.

> I want someone else to 'walk in front' for a change.

The little Changelog.txt shows that work is ongoing.  
Nevertheless the system is useable.  You just need to find 
a way to get the 37 MiB file & install it.  Maybe you can 
help Guenter a little by reporting a bug.

Regards,          ... Peter E.

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