[Oberon] Qemu image for Native Oberon

Simon Forman forman.simon at gmail.com
Wed May 1 22:30:58 CEST 2013


I just wanted to mention that I got Native Oberon to run using Qemu.
The only issue I had was that I couldn't figure out (yet!) how to get
a proper MBR on the virtual disk image but I created a boot floppy
during the install from Oberon-0 and that works fine.

Here is a link to a tarball I've posted to my google drive account
containing the boot floppy image and the o.disk Oberon HD image with
Gadgets and the source code installed:


I can't tell you how happy I was to see that fine old UI again.
Oberon is truly a masterpiece of design and execution.

Warm regards,

"The history of mankind for the last four centuries is rather like that of
an imprisoned sleeper, stirring clumsily and uneasily while the prison that
restrains and shelters him catches fire, not waking but incorporating the
crackling and warmth of the fire with ancient and incongruous dreams, than
like that of a man consciously awake to danger and opportunity."
--H. P. Wells, "A Short History of the World"

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