[Oberon] Project Oberon 2013 on GitHub?

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Thu Apr 10 11:49:53 CEST 2014

=> /home/pi/Tst.gcc/OPrisc/RunAdjustLog

2014 Aprl

==> oberon-risc-emu-master/README.md == ...
Current emulation status

  * No known bugs.

* Keyboard and mouse
  * OK. Note that Oberon assumes you have a US keyboard layout and
    a three button mouse.
  * The left alt key can now be used to emulate a middle click.

* Display
  * OK. You can adjust the colors by editing `sdl-main.c`.
  * Use F11 to toggle full screen display.

#include "sdl-ps2.h"
  // Search for a 1024x768 display in multi-monitor configurations

=?=> where is ps2 called ?
-> cat  sdl-main.c | grep ps2 ==
#include "sdl-ps2.h"
            int len = ps2_encode(k.scancode, down, scancode);

=?=> is there any mention of USB
->  grep -nr USB ./*  ==
grep: ./fp-test: Is a directory
Binary file ./risc matches
./sdl-ps2.c:204:  [SDL_SCANCODE_NONUSBACKSLASH] = { 0x61, K_NORMAL },

->  grep -nr USB ../*
grep: memory exhausted <-- another reason why pdf is bad

->  cat ./risc | strings| grep USB ==

=> if there's a file: sdl-ps2.h, is there a file: *usb*

-> find ../* -name "*ps2*" == and sdl-ps2.c
-> find ../* -name "*usb*" == nill
-> find ../* -name "*USB*" == nill

==> Since rPi has no ps2 facilities, I don't think anyone has actually
run rPi:<POemu> ?

== Chris Glur.

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