[Oberon] Project Oberon 2013 on GitHub?

Jan Verhoeven jan at verhoeven272.nl
Fri Apr 11 12:38:57 CEST 2014

eas lab wrote:
> [now need ps2 to USB] although I couldn't understand how USB could
> be adapted to ps2, without complex software.

PS/2 is a special case of I2C and USB is based on I2C. So the principles 
share on similar ancestors.

USB = power + balanced clock/data
PS/2 = power + unbalanced clock/data

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PS/2_port and 

The last USB specification I saw took up 500 double sided A4 pages to 
describe the hardware and the protocols. At that moment I gave up.

> I was impressed by the bloke who wrote that 'he could take the rPi
> when he went down-to-Mexico, and plug it into the hotel's TV'.

That is impressive. But only when you stay in motels and live in a place 
that does *not* look like one giant electronics commercial (like Europe 
or the US).

> I too have been experimenting using rPi without a keybrd.
> And PO2013 could fit nicely into that concept -- I think.
> So a small ps2-to-USB adaptor would be good.

I may have one in a desk drawer. Or I get one around the corner. If you 
cannor find yours I will mail one to a friend. If I have an address. You 
seem to be living 'rather remote' (i.e. not surrounded by 20 stores in 
the same 1 sqm grid).


Jan Verhoeven

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