[Oberon] The human-computer interface; was Re: Project Oberon: New Edition

peter at easthope.ca peter at easthope.ca
Mon May 26 16:36:25 CEST 2014

>From chris at cfbsoftware.com  Sat Dec 28 01:35:48 2013
> A book that I have recommended previously for those interested in the design
> of man-machine interfaces was written by Alan Cooper (the "Father of Visual
> Basic"). It is titled "The Inmates are Running the Asylum - Why High-Tech
> Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity" ISBN
> 0-672-31649-8 Sams Publishing.

Thanks.  Via http://www.abebooks.com/ purchased a copy from Green 
Earth Books in Portland, Oregon for less than 8 dollars, price+postage. 
Just noticed that there was a second edition.  This is probably the first.
Interesting reading.  Hopefully some of the conditions described have 
improved since it was written. 

> I also recommend "The Zen of Palm - Designing products for Palm OS". I can
> no longer find its original location but a Google search will find copies
> for you,

Googling "The Zen of Palm - Designing products for Palm OS" gives nothing 
but citations of your citation!  Google hasn't put it in their electronic library?

In any case, my idea is nothing too special.  Enhance the good aspects 
of the Oberon TUI and remove dependence on less efficient aspects.

Thanks for the references,             ... Peter E.

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