[Oberon] Commenting the answers to my latest posts

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Sat Jun 21 21:58:18 CEST 2014

]> RE. my thread about ALO:
]>   does X86:emulator:V5 use X86 <forbidden/protected> mem,
]> or V5's mem-area for FrameBuffer; so that it could be directly
]> manipulated from V5 code?

]Markus wrote:
]do you mean the RISC5 emulator?
]There simple one array as image of the total RISC5 memeory.
]So you can directly manipulate everything.

OK, the emulator would have the FrameBuffer in user space;
fully accessible.
I want to access the FB of normal systems.
And the first problem seems that you normally can't just access RAM
in a PC:linux. Apart from mem-swapping, it's not just like a microProcsr.
Apparently it's not uncommon to KNOW where you FB is, for a PC:linux
or ARM, but I haven't found out how to.

== Chris Glur.

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