[Oberon] Oberon 3 on Windows 7, PELinker, Windows executable

Dieter d.gloetzel at web.de
Tue Mar 17 19:25:19 CET 2015

Hi Chris,

this is great news. Thank you so much! It seems that making the PELinker 
work is more an art than science.
I have now a new Version, which tries to read and write a file.

The module is:

  (*  IMPORT Files,Oberon,Objects, Strings,  Texts,Out; Import for 
Oberon Version*)

  IMPORT Kernel32, Files, Oberon,Objects, Strings,  Texts;

   CONST EOR = 0DX;  NL = 0AX;  BLANK = 20X;  TAB = 09X;  DBLQUOTE = 22X;

     cl: Kernel32.LPSTR;
     commandLine: ARRAY 255 OF CHAR; pos : LONGINT;
     infilename, outfilename : ARRAY 64 OF CHAR; c : CHAR;
     ti, to : Texts.Text; R : Texts.Reader; W : Texts.Writer; S : 
Texts.Scanner; f : Files.File;

     PROCEDURE strbetween(s : ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR name : ARRAY OF 
     VAR i,j : LONGINT;
          i:= pos; WHILE (i < Strings.Length(s) ) & ( s[i] # DBLQUOTE ) 
DO INC(i) END; (* Find first doublequote *)
     j := 0;   INC(i);
     WHILE(i < Strings.Length(s) ) & (s[i] # DBLQUOTE) DO
     name[j] := s[i];    INC(i); INC(j) END; pos := i +1; name[j+1] := 0X;
     END strbetween;
         PROCEDURE Storewo( t: Texts.Text;  f: Files.File );
     (* stores a Texts.Text to disk. but eliminates multiple BLANKs. *)
     VAR R: Texts.Reader;    r: Files.Rider;  ch: CHAR;
         Files.Set( r, f, 0 );  Texts.OpenReader( R, t, 0 ); Texts.Read( 
R, ch );
         WHILE ~R.eot DO

             Files.Write( r, Strings.OberonToISO[ORD( ch )] );
             IF ch =Strings.CR THEN Files.Write(r,NL); END;
             IF (ch = BLANK) THEN
                 WHILE (ch = BLANK) DO Texts.Read( R, ch );  END;
             ELSE Texts.Read( R, ch );
     END Storewo;

  cl := Kernel32.GetCommandLine();
     Kernel32.CopyString(cl, commandLine);
     pos := 0;
     Kernel32.Str(infilename); Kernel32.Ln();

     Kernel32.Str(outfilename); Kernel32.Ln();
      Texts.New;  ti := Objects.NewObj( Texts.Text );  Texts.Open( ti, 
infilename );  Texts.OpenReader( R, ti, 0 );
     Texts.New; to := Objects.NewObj( Texts.Text ); Texts.OpenWriter( W );
     WHILE ~ R.eot DO Texts.Read(R,c) ; Texts.Write(W,c); END;
     f := Files.New( outfilename);  Texts.Append( to, W.buf ); Storewo( 
to , f );  Files.Close( f );  Files.Register( f );

   END InOut.InOut  "d:/musix/telemann/telemann.xml" 

I tried several versions of the Modules list in PELinker without success.
Kernel32, Kernel, ADVAPI32, Reals, Registry, Dates, FileDir, AosIO, 
User32, GDI32, Threads,
Files, Modules, Strings, Objects, Displays, Texts, InOut
I tested the Oberon Version, but the linker crashed again.

Regards, Dieter

  System.Free InOut ~

Builder.Compile \s InOut.Mod ~

PELinker.Link InOut.Link ~

RegistryTools.Load InOut.reg

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