[Oberon] Oberon/Linux Revival and Emacs.

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 05:12:12 CEST 2015

I've used emacs previously [wily (public domain) is a fraction of the size
and mouse based, admitted to be a 'copy' of ETHO by the plan9 designers;
it's a killer utility for me]; but I can't see what you're doing.

If it's <programming via template> I strongly approve.

IMO, especially with the <clean Algol family> syntax, the
only tokens which you should not pick-off-a-menu are your
original-chosen identifiers.

== Chris Glur.

On 7/5/15, Jan de Kruyf <jan.de.kruyf at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is a little something to be able to edit source-files in Emacs.
> (No doubt there is a Vi version also)
> open any source file and strip the cruft at the beginning and the end of
> the file
> (otherwise the file will not edit anymore in Oberon)
> and add beyond the end of the source code: (BTRees.Mod as an example)
> -----
> .
> .
> Init()
>      END BTrees.
>      (* Local Variables:  *)
>      (* coding: mac-roman *)
>      (* tab-width: 2      *)
>      (* End:              *)
> ------------
> the first time you will have to set the coding temporarily to mac-roman
> yourself, or add this stanza under Oberon.
> Thereafter it will all be done automatically, just remember to strip the
> cruft before you save in Emacs.
> Cheers,
> j.

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