[Oberon] build of A2

Dmitry Maslov dimon075 at mail.ru
Wed Sep 30 12:38:39 CEST 2015


I'm trying to make a build of A2.
The actions I take from the "Release.Tool".
Perform "Release.Build --path="A2BUILD\" A2 ~"

Then perform

"Linker.Link \PA2BUILD\ \.Obx USB.Bin 0100000H 1000H Kernel Traps UsbHubDriver UsbEhci UsbUhci UsbOhci UsbStorageBoot DiskVolumes DiskFS BootConsole ~"

Get a trap:
Linker0.ThisType:17 pc=4585 [000011E9H] = 4568 + 17 crc=1D9B8D61
  m=00000000H (NIL)
  type=00000000H (NIL)

Found that Linker0.ThisType  takes a parameter m
in Linker0.RelocateModules:100 pc=7587 [00001DA3H] = 7487 + 100 crc=1D9B8D61
by call  Linker0.ModuleByName(HdPtrDescModule) (*position 28196*)

Definition of HdPtrDescModule = "Loader"; 

I add to linker list of modules module name Loader.
Linker make USB.Bin with message:

Linking USB.Bin
Base=100000, load=1000
Modules:Loader Kernel Traps UsbHubDriver UsbEhci UsbUhci UsbOhci UsbStorageBoot DiskVolumes DiskFS BootConsole 
Linker0 Ok. #Bytes=  000BC420 Linker.Log

Question 1: Error in Linker0 or in Linker.Link call parametr string?
Question 2:
In StackTraceBack formal parametr name="@HdPtrDesc".
The actual parameter is  HdPtrDescType = "@HdPtrDesc" (*position 847*)
It's the only constant with the symbol  "@" at the beginning.
Is that right?

Dmitry Maslov

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