[Oberon] Import hierarchies of display modules.

Jan de Kruyf jan.de.kruyf at gmail.com
Mon Oct 5 18:12:51 CEST 2015

Here is a small critique :)

What you did is ultimately write a text file with nice square frames around
the text.

A person could also use awk (a text filtering language) for that and do it

did you ever play with dotty? http://www.graphviz.org
fig58.pdf is an example.
It is a bit oldfashioned i.e. it does not adhere to modern HI standards,
and at times I keep the .dot file opened to modify the text in my layout
because to do it 'point and click' is a bit laborious.

Then there is Umlet http://www.umlet.com. It is purpose specific, but it
doubles very nicely as a drawing tool for import diagrams etc.  You need to
have java / eclipse going for that.
kernel-flow-of-things.pdf is an example. Not the completely irreligious use
of UML symbols for my own purposes

The advantage of dotty is that you get a very beautiful layout of your
diagram. but it decides a lot of things for you.
In fact, it is a concise and complete proof that science is irrational.

The advantage of Umlet is that you decide the layout and the HI is much
more modern, so it works easier and faster.

I say all this because I do believe a visual structure is much easier to
comprehend than a text structure.
Most people are bad at reading these days 😠



On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 4:46 PM, Peter Easthope <peter at easthope.ca> wrote:

> On Sun, October 4, 2015 2:41 pm, Jan de Kruyf wrote:
> > by the way your link http://easthope.ca/OberonDipsplays.html
> > seems dead.
> The spelling in my original message should have been
> http://easthope.ca/OberonDisplays.html
>                       ... P.
> --
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