[Oberon] RISC.img format

Tomas Kral thomas.kral at email.cz
Mon Mar 21 21:09:51 CET 2016


I keep the old stable Debian, debian-live-7.2-i386-standard.iso
with no GUI, just for the purpose of USB/SD shuffling.

Most uptodate links may be found here,
You may need a Torrent client for that.

Under Linux SD/USB appear as additional /dev/sd[a-z] devices, when
inserted. You may watch for newly added one by
$ dmesg | tail

I am also interested in LEO, as I believe it provides support for
OBERON.FS so I could prepare test SD images for 'Project Oberon 2013' in

I found a lot of links at ETH site on different flavours of Oberon. Can
you please guide me to the correct one? I read in the manuals that
Oberon0 has to be imaged/booted first to commence installation steps.

This one?

> Can you communicate: RPi <-> x86 ; via USB instead of the absurd
> eth0 [I call it a railway system to fetch coffee from the next room]?

Admittedly, I do mostly FTP on RPI<-->x86, though using NFS (Network
File System) would allow drag and drop on shared folders. [ using your
jargon, fetching a piano nextdoor for daily papers left on its top :-)

But with Oberon Station, I plan to use RS232 link to exchange files, I
can also try initial booting over it, so as to follow the build process

On Saanlima FPGA boards, RS232 is wired as a separate micro-USB channel,
that makes it easy to connect with RPI.

> On my current LEO-menu, I see for example - but with syntax coloring: 
> - System.Execute Pdf2Txt /mnt/s5/Legal/CIPC/Summons/FSAA.pdf.

Rather ingenious way of text exchange, something I'd love to learn. But
it may take me a while and I am right at the beginning of my learning.

Many thanks so far.

Tomas Kral <thomas.kral at email.cz>

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