[Oberon] Re (4): Recent additions in OLR.

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Thu May 19 11:36:06 CEST 2016

] As Peter mentioned, copy and paste can be performed with
] <ctrl>+<C> and <ctrl>+<V>.  And no intermediate viewer
] or file is needed.
Consider non-trivial tasks: where you want to copy
multiple strings to multiple destinations.

The simplistic Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V is like web-based gmail:
too restricted, only for beginners.
klux = a mouse operation - possibly chording.

I've got a wily [plan9 copied from ETHO] 3-line utility for moving
inet-fetched text to *speech/mp3* in my cheap mobile-phone.
When I get text with embedded sections, like maths formulars
which is unsuitable for text-to-speech,
I only select and klux-to-append-to-the-specially allocated file,
the parts that I want transformed from text-to-speech.

It's 1 wipe and 1 klux to append a text-section to the append-file.
Or mark-begin + mark-end + append = 3 klux, for multi-screen texts.
And 1 klux to transform the text to <name>.mp3;
where <name> was previously selected by select + 1 klux.

If you want to abandon the mouse-only-except-F1 paradigm,
consider the following USEFUL modification:-
when entering original-text the keybroard must be used and
the hand/s will have left the mouse.
*THEN* it becomes appropriate to use the keybrd [I'd like F2]
to <Store the most recently keyed-in-TextFrame>.

Abandoning ETHO's <no need for kybrd for copy/cut/paste>
in order to ape M$ is a nono!

> CTRL-C and CTRL-V are better avoided under Linux.


== Chris Glur.

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