[Oberon] ReadNum and WriteNum in C

Srinivas Nayak sinu.nayak2001 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 14:43:11 CEST 2016

Dear All,

Here I tried to implement ReadNum and WriteNum in C.
I couldn't do it simply using / and % imitating
how NW has written them using DIV and MOD and Shifts.
I would like to see a better way to do it...

#include <stdio.h>

#define ELSIF  }else if(
#define ELSE   }else{
#define IF     if(
#define THEN   ){
#define END    }
#define WHILE  while(
#define DO     ){
#define REPEAT do{
#define UNTIL  }while(!(
#define RETURN return

unsigned int ROR(unsigned int x, int n)
	return (x >> (n%32))|(x << ((32-n)%32));

int ASR(int x, int n)
	return (x >> n%32);

void ReadNum(FILE* R, int* x)
     int y, n;
     unsigned char b;
     n = 32; y = 0;
     b = fgetc(R);
     //printf("%hhu ", b);

     WHILE b >= 0x80 DO
		y = ROR(y|(b-0x80), 7);
		n = n-7;
		b = fgetc(R);
		//printf("%hhu ", b);


     IF n <= 4 THEN
		*x = ROR(y|(b&0xF), 4);
		*x = ASR(ROR(y|b, 7), n-7);

void WriteNum(FILE* R, int x)
	unsigned char b;

     WHILE (x < -0x40) || (x >= 0x40) DO
		b = (x & 0x7F)|0x80;
		fputc(b, R);
		//printf("%hhu ", b);
		x = ASR(x, 7);

	b = (x & 0x7F);
     fputc(b, R);
     //printf("%hhu ", b);

int main()
	FILE *f;
	int i = 0;
	int m = 0, n = 0;

	for (i = -8192; i <= 8192; i++)
		m = i;
		//printf("\nnum write = %d\n", m);
		f = fopen("test.bin", "wb");
		WriteNum(f, m);

		f = fopen("test.bin", "rb");
		ReadNum(f, &n);
		//printf("num read = %d\n", n);

		if(m != n)
			printf("%d FAILED\n", m);

	return 0;

With thanks and best regards,

Yours sincerely,
Srinivas Nayak

Home: http://www.mathmeth.com/sn/
Blog: http://srinivas-nayak.blogspot.in/

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