[Oberon] Oberon for a C++ user.

Jörg joerg.straube at iaeth.ch
Mon Sep 26 16:37:03 CEST 2016

Examples that pop to my mind:
- The tires of a car could be used by another car
- The fuel tank can be filled by others
- The arm rest can't be reused as its dimensions are too specific to the car
- the glass roof can't be reused as it too specific


-----Original Message-----
From: Oberon [mailto:oberon-bounces at lists.inf.ethz.ch] On Behalf Of Srinivas
Sent: Montag, 26. September 2016 11:01
To: ETH Oberon and related systems <oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch>
Subject: Re: [Oberon] Oberon for a C++ user.

>> - Modules can be seen as car manufacturer.
>> - Objects are the cars.

> The program (Oberon System) is the car manufacturer.
> There is only a single car manufacturer per city (a single OS per FPGA).
> Modules are car factories. There are several factories in the city: Ford
Escort, Ford Whatever, etc. All factories are run by the same car
> Objects are cars of different sorts manufactured by the car factories.
Each factory can manufacture and release an unlimited number of cars,
bounded only by the size of the parking lot (the size of the dynamic

This is nice analogy.
But why stop here? Lets finish the whole story.
A factory can be closed or open. But two factories of same name can't exist.
(Module loading unloading)
Car specification (a record) is unique to manufacturer. Two factories
generally won't produce cars with same specification. But they can ask other
factories when they want. (importing of module)

How shall we think about module exposing parts of a record?
Is it like, some parts of a car specification being patented by factories
and made public, but not others.

With thanks and best regards,

Yours sincerely,
Srinivas Nayak

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