[Oberon] Fwd: A little weakness of operators syntax and COPY() removing

Stéphane Aulery saulery at legtux.org
Thu Oct 13 13:20:37 CEST 2016


A little weakness of Oberon syntax is that logical operators for 
conjunction and negation are "&" and "~" but disjunction is "OR".

Maybe it's because the CASE syntax encroaching on its domain.

OR could be |

      CASE p OF
           P0: p.b := 10 |
           P1: p.b := 2.5 |
           P2: p.b := {0, 2}

could be

      CASE p OF
           P0: p.b := 10
           OR P1: p.b := 2.5
           OR P2: p.b := {0, 2}

There also

      SELECT p OF
           P0: p.b := 10
           CASE P1: p.b := 2.5
           CASE P2: p.b := {0, 2}

but it's unusual.

It's just a little idea.


I find also a possible minor error in


page 15.

But COPY have been removed according to


for the whole language or only outside SYSTEM module?


Stéphane Aulery

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