[Oberon] Oberon for a C++ user.

Lars noreply at z505.com
Sat Nov 5 08:07:07 CET 2016

On Sun, October 30, 2016 10:19 pm, Skulski, Wojciech wrote:
> Blackbox has this subsystem named Forms, which is based on
> metaprogramming. It is genial. I explained some of it in my presentation.
> I do not know if this solution is unique in the industry. Maybe they took
> it from somewhere else.

There is likely a relationship between Forms and Delphi forms or visual
basic forms?

In delphi when you click a button or have an event occur on a GUI widget,
you get parameters sent in to a procedure which pass information about the
event... such as Button1OnClick(paramaters)

How does that differ to component pascal? Did they take some of the ideas
from delphi?

I will look in your presentation to try to find more info...

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