[Oberon] Oberon for a C++ user.

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Sun Nov 6 08:01:41 CET 2016

A reader commented on ETHO material being 'dated'.

> ... by Clemens Szyperski published in 1992.

I fetched this and it seems excellent,
except that I'm shackled to using the LASTEST/ garbage x64Windows,
so I can't examine the text in a structured way [like a tree].

It needs multiple TextFrames to eg.
1. scan the contents, and decide to go to <HCI> page 159
2. where he mentions "Ethos": so, keeping pg 159 and in
3. a 3rd TextFrame searching for his explanation re. Ethos.

NB. this hierarchical method is how problems are solved
[and houses or cakes are built] and was rediscovered in the 50/60s
and introduced the <stack based method>.

M$:Windows and gmail, still use the <linear> method, which assumes
that the reader has infinite memory capacity, and can structure the
problem in his mind, without any structuring help by the media.

== Chris Glur.

PS. it's a pity that the *.pdf  is not, mostly reconvertible to text, except
by OCR. Such material is efficiently absorbed by TextToSpeech, depending
on the users life-style.

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