[Oberon] blackbox model view controller

Lars noreply at z505.com
Wed Nov 9 08:18:48 CET 2016

On Wed, November 9, 2016 12:10 am, I previously wrote:
> I searched the term model view controller, ignoring case. Also searched
> MVC. No results found.

Figured it out

The trick was to search for model-view-controller including dashes. Now I
found some help regarding it.

This is not so good help search, if one has to type in
model-view-controller instead of "model view controller" as someone new to
componentpascal would not know to type in the dashes as

Online documentation could also help in html.

Aside: I'm a bit of a critic/skeptic of "model view controller", as I find
for example, html template engines which claim to be MVC, are actually
violating MVC; as some code always ends up infecting the model and view
which should have been in the controller.

I think MVC is a good theoretically pure concept, but is often impure in
practice, still definitely worth pursuing even if impure in final form. 
At least my experience with MVC in template engines for html is that often
logic and code ends up in the html template, when supposedly it all is to
be in the controller. But as for how impure mvc relates to component
pascal, I will have to use it more to find out if violations occur.

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