[Oberon] Oberon for a C++ user.

Alexander Ilin ajsoft at yandex.ru
Tue Nov 15 09:04:33 CET 2016


13.11.2016, 22:41, "Diego Sardina" <dsar at eml.cc>:
>    MyFinalRec = RECORD
>      [...]
>    END;
> PROCEDURE (VAR m : MyFinalRec) Method(), NEW;
>    [...]
> END Method;
> I'm forced to use the NEW keyword, due to the fact
> that Method() is newly introduced.
> But it is meaningless for a final record that does
> not extend a record.

  It is not meaningless, it stresses the fact that you are not extending an existing method, and affirmatively states that in the source text.

  If at a later point you change the RECORD definition to become an extension of a more generic object, the compiler will help you resolve the method name conflicts.

  I find it very thoughtful on part of CP language designers to make this word mandatory. Without it in the situation I described all the methods with clashing names would silently be converted into  overrides.


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