[Oberon] blackbox model view controller

Lars noreply at z505.com
Tue Nov 22 15:12:23 CET 2016

On Fri, November 11, 2016 12:31 am, Douglas G Danforth wrote:
> SAIL was much simpler than Ada.
> Compilation was fast.
> It had the added LEAP feature with allowed one to use associative triples.
>  I didn't use that feature much.

How do associative triples differ from just using Records with three or
more fields?
Obviously, they've got to offer some advantage... Maybe syntactic sugar?

I'm reading about them (just beginning) but haven't fully understood what
they are yet.

> SAIL was transformed into MAINSAIL

As a joke I've always thought of further extending this pun of programming
and wanted to create JIBSAIL, a reduced version of MAIN SAIL

But that is only if main sail interests me enough to make a Jib of it.

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