[Oberon] Need V4 Code for trivial task.

Lars noreply at z505.com
Tue Dec 13 11:14:02 CET 2016

On Tue, December 6, 2016 8:44 pm, Skulski, Wojciech wrote:

> The GUI paradigm is a different one. GUI systems do not have one input
> and one output. GUI can take its input from anywhere and it can put the
> output anywhere. The GUI is manifestly parallel, even though under the
> hood all the processing is performed sequentially. But here the
> sequential processing becomes a secondary implementation detail. The
> paradigm itself is parallel.

But a GUI often still has a console window that you can open.
Gui's still need to run batch tasks, IMO.

i.e. a pure GUI environment, without any console ability, is less powerful.

> After saying all this I would declare that you are advocating a paradigm
> which Oberon System (and any other GUI system) has explicitly disposed
> of.

Then what does one do for batch tasks on this pure GUI?

IMO console programs are still useful, especially for teaching simple
programming concepts where a GUI would get in the way and complicate
matters beyond simplicity.

A linux/bsd or even windows system, still has access to a console, IMO
extremely useful, and should not be entirely disposed of.

You end up with something like a console.. similar to ComponentPascal
blackbox IDE where you have log windows, which is essentially a special
console window without it having all the power of a unix console.  Any log
window where you are writing text line by line one at a time, is like a
console... and then you will end up reinventing the console if you start
to expand it further.

Pipes can be useful for interprocess communication too, transferring data
between programs, without ever anyone seeing a "Console"... the pipe could
be hidden and used as a message system to pass data between two processes.

One could completely hide away the inner details of a pipe so that the end
user never saw a console window or a command line, and that pipe could be
used in a GUI to pass data between two processes: once again the end user
never sees a console window or knows a pipe is being used. And this pipe,
could be very useful in a gui to pass data... but end user knows nothing
of a console.

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