[Oberon] a module a page (keeps the mind sane)?

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Wed Dec 19 02:30:41 CET 2018

As always: better take a top-down-view.
The screen/page contents is subservient to the Human Cognition.
Eg. this current WebBased gmail is far inferior to our 90's NativeOberon:
- I can't see the email thread's Subject/Title. N.O. shows such vital
info ALWAYS in the TopFrame.

- If you need to have simultaneous sight of multiple sections of a
textFile, N.O. does it. Products of this F/B twitter age can't.

There's a problem of proliferation of fileNames and DirectoryTree
structure, if every bit of info is to get its own file.

When re/searching a new topic: I create a single <BookFile> with the
SectionTitles at the top. Which is another example of needing to view
2 sections of a file together:
 see the top-ContentsDescription, while CopyPaste to autoSearch for
 the required section.
Every time I search/read the book, it tends to become smaller; by
deletions of the terrible redundancy of web-publications.

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