[Oberon] System-V - Float to Alpha

Tomas Kral thomas.kral at email.cz
Mon Feb 4 11:39:27 CET 2019


I am borrowing this code from Files.WriteReal(), it should convert
r:REAL to D[0..16] string. However decimal point always overwrites last
digit (*first one after reverse*).

1.23123E+02, becomes .23123E+02

Can you please help to see what I do wrong, any improvement welcome?

Many Thanks

  PROCEDURE String(r: REAL);
    VAR e, i, j, m: INTEGER; d: ARRAY 16 OF CHAR;
  BEGIN i := 0; j := 0; e := ASR(ORD(r), 23) MOD 100H;  (*binary exponent*)
    IF e # 0 THEN
      IF r < 0.0 THEN D[j] := "-"; r := ABS(r); INC(j) END ;
      e := (e - 127) * 77 DIV 256 - 6;  (*decimal exponent*)
      IF e >= 0 THEN r := r / Ten(e) ELSE r := Ten(-e) * r END ;
      m := FLOOR(r + 0.5);
      IF m >= 10000000 THEN INC(e); m := m DIV 10 END ;
      REPEAT d[i] := CHR(m MOD 10 + 30H); m := m DIV 10; INC(i) UNTIL m = 0;
      d[i] := 0X; Out.String(d); Out.Ln; DEC(i); d[i] := "."; (* "." replaces 1st digit !! *)
      REPEAT D[j] := d[i]; DEC(i); INC(j) UNTIL i < 0 ; (*reverse*)
      D[j] := "E"; INC(e, 6); INC(j);
      IF e < 0 THEN D[j] :=  "-"; e := -e ELSE D[j] := "+" END ;
      D[j+1] := CHR(e DIV 10 + 30H); D[j+2] := CHR(e MOD 10 + 30H)
  END String;

Tomas Kral <thomas.kral at email.cz>

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