[Oberon] Static variable overflow (bug?)

Andreas Pirklbauer andreas_pirklbauer at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 27 10:42:39 CET 2020

Below is a slightly more elaborate variant that fixes the current bug in ORG.Put1a
and makes MyViewers.Mod (see below) work on a Project Oberon 2013 system:

  PROCEDURE Put1a(op, a, b, im: LONGINT);
      VAR r: INTEGER;
  BEGIN (*same as Put1, but with range test  -10000H <= im < 10000H*)
      IF (im >= -10000H) & (im <= 0FFFFH) THEN Put1(op, a, b, im)
      ELSIF op = Mov THEN
          Put1(Mov+U, a, 0, im DIV 10000H);
          IF im MOD 10000H # 0 THEN Put1(Ior, a, a, im MOD 10000H) END
      ELSE r := RH;
          IF b = RH THEN incR END ;
          Put1(Mov+U, RH, 0, im DIV 10000H);
          IF im MOD 10000H # 0 THEN Put1(Ior, RH, RH, im MOD 10000H) END ;
          Put0(op, a, b, RH);
          IF RH > r THEN DEC(RH) END
  END Put1a;


1. Procedure incR is to be moved up to before procedure ORG.Put0
2. The use of incR ensures that in fact we do have enough registers available
3. Register optimization: But a new register is used only when needed (when b = RH)
4. Instruction optimization: For op = Mov, the extra MOV instruction at the end is avoided


A simple fix to make the program “MyViewer” below work, i.e. to allow variable
offsets < 64KB  is to fix a bug in the current ORG.Put1a, by changing it


  PROCEDURE Put1a(op, a, b, im: LONGINT);
  BEGIN (*same as Put1, but with range test  -10000H <= im < 10000H*)
      IF (im >= -10000H) & (im <= 0FFFFH) THEN Put1(op, a, b, im)
      ELSE Put1(Mov+U, RH, 0, im DIV 10000H);
          IF im MOD 10000H # 0 THEN Put1(Ior, RH, RH, im MOD 10000H) END ;
          Put0(op, a, b, RH)
  END Put1a;


  PROCEDURE Put1a(op, a, b, im: LONGINT);
  BEGIN (*same as Put1, but with range test  -10000H <= im < 10000H*)
      IF (im >= -10000H) & (im <= 0FFFFH) THEN Put1(op, a, b, im)
      ELSE Put1(Mov+U, RH+1, 0, im DIV 10000H);
          IF im MOD 10000H # 0 THEN Put1(Ior, RH+1, RH+1, im MOD 10000H) END ;
          Put0(op, a, b, RH+1)
  END Put1a;

i.e. by replacing RH with RH+1 in the ELSE clause.

Note that this is a quick fix which neither checks whether there are in fact enough registers available (as incR does) nor does any register optimization. But it will make the program below work..


MODULE MyViewer;  
(* Test of the menu line of a viewer *)

IMPORT Display, Viewers, Oberon, MenuViewers, TextFrames;

   max = 16377;   (* If max >= 16367 the frame name disappears; If max >= 16377 the whole menu line disappears! *)
   menu = "System.Close System.Copy System.Grow"; 

   XYframe = POINTER TO XYframeDesc;
   XYframeDesc = RECORD (Display.FrameDesc) END;

VAR bitmap: ARRAY max OF SET;  (* with this variable present the menu may remain empty! *)

PROCEDURE Restore(F: XYframe);
   Oberon.RemoveMarks(F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H);
   Display.ReplConst(Display.black, F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H, Display.replace);  (* clear *)
END Restore;

PROCEDURE Handle(F: Display.Frame; VAR M: Display.FrameMsg);
   VAR F1: XYframe;
   CASE F OF XYframe:
      CASE M OF 
            IF M.id = Oberon.track THEN Oberon.DrawMouseArrow(M.X, M.Y) END |
               Oberon.RemoveMarks(F.X, F.Y, F.W, F.H); NEW(F1); F1^ := F^; M.F := F1 |
            IF (M.Y # F.Y) OR (M.H # F.H) THEN F.Y := M.Y; F.H := M.H; Restore(F) END        
END Handle;

   VAR F: XYframe;    V: Viewers.Viewer;   x, y: INTEGER;
   NEW(F);   F.handle := Handle; 
   Oberon.AllocateUserViewer(Oberon.Par.vwr.X, x, y); 
   V := MenuViewers.New(TextFrames.NewMenu("MyViewer", menu), F, TextFrames.menuH, x, y)
END Open;

END MyViewer.

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