[Oberon] Module aliases - what is the correct way to handle them

Andreas Pirklbauer andreas_pirklbauer at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 7 11:21:53 CET 2020

Here is one possible way to handle import aliases, as currently used in Extended Oberon.
Other possible variants (either more or less restrictive) do exist, of course.

  PROCEDURE ThisModule(name, orgname: ORS.Ident; decl: BOOLEAN; key: LONGINT): Object;
    VAR mod: Module; obj, obj1: Object;
  BEGIN obj1 := topScope; obj := obj1.next;  (*search for module*)
    WHILE (obj # NIL) & (obj(Module).orgname # orgname) DO obj1 := obj; obj := obj1.next END ;
    IF obj = NIL THEN  (*new module, search for alias*)
      obj := topScope.next;
      WHILE (obj # NIL) & (obj.name # name) DO obj := obj.next END ;
      IF obj = NIL THEN (*insert new module*)
        NEW(mod); mod.class := Mod; mod.rdo := FALSE;
        mod.name := name; mod.orgname := orgname; mod.val := key;
        mod.lev := nofmod; INC(nofmod); mod.type := noType; mod.dsc := NIL; mod.next := NIL;
        obj1.next := mod; obj := mod
      ELSIF decl THEN
        IF obj.rdo THEN ORS.Mark("mult def") ELSE ORS.Mark("invalid import order") END
      ELSE ORS.Mark("conflict with alias")
    ELSIF decl THEN (*module already present, explicit import by declaration*)
      IF obj.rdo THEN ORS.Mark("mult def") ELSE ORS.Mark("invalid import order") END
    END ;
    RETURN obj
  END ThisModule;

Sample test suite with the expected error messages in a set of possible usage scenarios:


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