[Oberon] Easter eggs in Oberon

Andreas Pirklbauer andreas_pirklbauer at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 13 17:50:48 CEST 2020

Cool, so..   H*app**Y E*as**t*er* (**Happy Easter*) then..


The full list:

1.  integer multiplication operator
2.  real multiplication operator
3.  set intersection operator
4.  export mark
5.  interrupt procedure
6.  part of comment bracket
7.  stand-alone MODULE*
8.  wildcard character on the command line
9.  the star marker for a viewer
10. * in the parameter list of a command, meaning 
    "take input from the currently marked viewer"
11. mark for exported comment
12. M* denotes the hierarchy consisting of M itself 
    and of all directly and indirectly imported modules

Happy Easter!

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