[Oberon] Negative integer literals in Oberon

Jörg joerg.straube at iaeth.ch
Mon Apr 27 22:59:18 CEST 2020


It‘s a good point but a little bit a corner case. Principally, Oberon does not know addresses, as addresses are abstracted away by the type construct POINTER TO

br, Jörg

> Am 27.04.2020 um 22:40 schrieb Skulski, Wojciech <skulski at pas.rochester.edu>:
> Joerg:
>> Could somebody give me a good example, where INTEGERs need a hex notation?
> How about this? These INTEGERS represent addresses. Are addresses integers? I believe they are. The memory is a collection of addresses with consecutive numbers expressed with integers. So it is a relevant example.
> (* Memory map; PO.System page 104 *)
> STACKSIZE* = 8000H;      (* 32 kB. Was hardwired in Kernel.Init *)
> STACKORG*  = 80000H;   (* stackOrg = 524,288; half a megabyte. *)
> HEAPORG*   = STACKORG; (* heapOrg = stackOrg *)
> FSoffset*  = STACKORG;     (* Not clear what it is *)
> MEMLIM*    = 0E7EF0H;     (* 1 MB minus 98,575 bytes of VRAM at the end*)
> VRAMORG*   = 0E7F00H;   (* start of memory-mapped display frame*)
> VRAMSIZE*  = 1024*768 DIV 8;     (* 1024 x 768 pixel, monocolor display frame*)
> --
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