[Oberon] Batch processing of Oberon commands

Hellwig Geisse hellwig.geisse at mni.thm.de
Fri Jun 12 23:38:01 CEST 2020

On Fr, 2020-06-12 at 20:11 +0200, Andreas Pirklbauer wrote:
> BZW, you may have noticed that the protocol between ORC and PCLink0
> has also been slightly modified (ORC now sends ACK after sending either
> SND or REC, and in addition sends REQ after sending or receiving packets).
> This effectively creates a "confirmation bracket" around the packages. Better.

Yes, thanks for the pointer. I must confess that I did
something very similar a few months ago. I noticed some
hangups during file transfer from my development system
(running a serial communication program to remotely
control the install/build process) to the FPGA board
and after analyzing them, "hardened" the protocol in
a few places.


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