[Oberon] Batch processing of Oberon commands

Andreas Pirklbauer andreas_pirklbauer at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 13 07:53:59 CEST 2020

    > In EO, why is Batch in Oberon rather than in Edit?

* To have a batch facility for an (unpublished) version of the system that does
not use a viewer system (outer core consisting of Input, Fonts, Texts, Oberon).
Perhaps you have noticed the guard Log # NIL in Oberon.Call.

* Separating Oberon.Call and Oberon.Batch seemed unnatural. Both either set
or access Oberon.Par.res, which is defined in the same module. One could in
fact even make Oberon.Par.res private. But I opted to provide read access.

* It’s so simple a code that it’s not worth factoring out.

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