[Oberon] Module Fonts without reference to SYSTEM

Andreas Pirklbauer andreas_pirklbauer at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 5 05:00:55 CEST 2020

Thx for the various types of feedback received off-forum. Responding to these..

    > It would be so nice if undocumented features got documented.

That you’d need to ask the designer of Oberon language. But since ORD(“pointer")
is also used in module System, it feels “safe” to also use it in modules like Fonts.

    > There is another hard-coded constant “2300” used in the original module Fonts.

Thx. Replaced with RasterSize. PS: This also fixes the issue if the number of bytes
in a font happens to be >2300 and <2360 (not the case in an actual font, could be).

See http://github.com/andreaspirklbauer/Oberon-module-Fonts-without-SYSTEM 

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