[Oberon] V4, 64 bit version; was: Re: Starting V4. (Hellwig Geisse)
joerg.straube at iaeth.ch
Fri Jan 15 22:49:01 CET 2021
Do you adapt the FPGA Verilog sources as well?
Von: Oberon <oberon-bounces at lists.inf.ethz.ch> im Auftrag von Charles Perkins <chuck at kuracali.com>
Antworten an: ETH Oberon and related systems <oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch>
Datum: Freitag, 15. Januar 2021 um 22:17
An: ETH Oberon and related systems <oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch>
Betreff: Re: [Oberon] V4, 64 bit version; was: Re: Starting V4. (Hellwig Geisse)
On review of the source, I see that LONGREAL is currently aliased to REAL in ORB, suggesting that REAL may stay 32-bit and LONGREAL would be 64-bit. Would the same be done for SET, introducing LONGSET perhaps?
On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 1:08 PM Charles Perkins <chuck at kuracali.com> wrote:
I like the idea.
The sizes of datatypes in the RISC5 compiler are defined in ORB.Mod. Currently we have:
byteType := type(Byte, Int, 1); (*symbol: BYTE *)
boolType := type(Bool, Bool, 1); (*symbol: BOOLEAN *)
charType := type(Char, Char,1); (*symbol: CHAR *)
intType := type(Int, Int, 4); (*symbols: INTEGER, LONGINT *)
realType := type(Real, Real, 4); (*symbol: REAL *)
setType := type(Set, Set,4); (*symbol: SET *)
nilType := type(NilTyp, NilTyp, 4);(*symbol: NIL *)
In a 64-bit compiler derived from the RISC5 compiler I imagine we would also have 8 byte REALs and SETs and NIL values:
byteType := type(Byte, Int, 1); (*symbol: BYTE *)
boolType := type(Bool, Bool, 1); (*symbol: BOOLEAN *)
charType := type(Char, Char,1); (*symbol: CHAR *)
intType := type(Int, Int, 4); (*symbol: INTEGER *)
longType := type(Long, Long, 8); (*symbol: LONGINT *)
realType := type(Real, Real, 8); (*symbol: REAL *)
setType := type(Set, Set,8); (*symbol: SET *)
nilType := type(NilTyp, NilTyp, 8); (*symbol: NIL *)
On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 12:30 PM scrutinizer <scruty at users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> It would be nice to have a version running in
> a 64-bit environment, but I'm not sure that this
I'd propose to take a little plunge and change LONGINT to 64 bit
and bootstrap V4 on 64 bit operating system(s).
Apart from modifying the compiler to 64 bit, the source code changes
to the whole [Linz] V4 package are minimal as the port to AOS
(Alpha Oberon System) for 64 bit Alpha OpenVMS in the mid
1990s showed. Most Elems and apps, etc. could be compiled and ran
without any source code changes. Only very few modules
required source code changes.
This port left no 32 bit restrictions.*
The Alpha processor is history since about 20 years (due to the sales of DEC
to Compaq to HP and finally to Intel for the Alpha processor. Intel burried
the Alpha in a drawer to push Itanium.)
But to give an impression of the number and kind of changes needed for a 64 bit port of V4,
attached is an edited output of
$ grep -a -e "_32" -e "ADDRESS32" -e "INTEGER32" -e "INT32" -- *.mod* >diff64bit.lis
for the V4 modules. (The "-a" is needed to also get 'about' readable grep-results
for those source files which are in oberon text format.)
Another challenge would be the 64 port of FPGA Oberon.
*) Apart from the main- and coroutine-*stack*, which is due to an
implementation restriction of OpenVMS Alpha 7.1
(The number after the colon in the filename is the file version number, i.e., the number of edits.)
browser.mod:62: a0, a1, a2: SYSTEM.SIGNED_32; (* a0 gives org in module list *) (* 20+2, 24+2, 28+2 *)
browser.mod:62: size :SYSTEM.SIGNED_32;
browser.mod:62: id: SYSTEM.SIGNED_32;
browser.mod:62: m^.a0 := SYSTEM.VAL(SYSTEM.SIGNED_32, W.buf.len);
browser.mod:62: PROCEDURE Index(name: ARRAY OF CHAR): SYSTEM.SIGNED_32;
browser.mod:62: VAR id0, j: SYSTEM.SIGNED_32; ch: CHAR; (*enter identifier*)
browser.mod:62: VAR i, j, s, h, h1, h2, class, mm: INTEGER; m, k, k1, k2: SYSTEM.SIGNED_32; strno: LONGINT;
browser.mod:62: PROCEDURE Read4 (VAR i: SYSTEM.SIGNED_32);
browser.mod:62: BEGIN Files.ReadLInt(SF, x); i := SYSTEM.VAL(SYSTEM.SIGNED_32, x) END Read4;
browser.mod:62: VAR i,j: SYSTEM.SIGNED_32; ch: CHAR;
browser.mod:62: EnterTyp("SIGNED_32", LInt, 4, linttyp); (* was "LONGINT" *)
browser.mod:62: better use SIGNED_32 instead of LONGINT
browser.mod:62: EnterTyp("SYSTEM.ADDRESS_32", Pointer, 4, sysptrtyp); (* = SYSTEM.PTR with /pointersize=32 *)
browser.mod:62: EnterTyp("SYSTEM.UNSIGNED_32", Card, 4, cardtyp);
files.mod:119: VAR i: SYSTEM.SIGNED_32;
files.mod:119: BEGIN ReadBytes(R, i, SIZE(SYSTEM.SIGNED_32)); x := i;
files.mod:119: VAR i: SYSTEM.SIGNED_32;
files.mod:119: WriteBytes(R, x, SIZE(SYSTEM.SIGNED_32));
files.mod:119: i := SYSTEM.SHORT(x); WriteBytes(R, i, SIZE(SYSTEM.SIGNED_32));
fonts.mod:22: pixmap, pixmapX, pixmapDX, pixmapW, pixmapH, RasterBase, b, n, a, count, list: SYSTEM.SIGNED_32;
input.mod:41: RETURN S.VAL(S.SIGNED_32, (timeval.usec DIV 1000 + timeval.sec * 1000 - timeStart) MOD 7FFFFFFFH);
kernel.mod:480: TYPE Tag = POINTER TO RECORD (*size,*) ptroff: INTEGER32; END; (* todo x64 Bit: ptrofs -> 64Bit *)
kernel.mod:480: PROCEDURE ALLOCATE * (VAR v: ADDRESS32; size: INTEGER32);
kernel.mod:480: v := S.VAL(ADDRESS32, NewBlock(size));
modules0.mod:31: INTEGER32 = S.SIGNED_32;
modules0.mod:31: data-, const-, code-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER32;
modules0.mod:31: VAR fp, sp, p: LONGINT; q: INTEGER32; invoContext: EX.InvoContext;
modules0.mod:31: k1 :S.SIGNED_32; (* todo x64: substitute k1 by k to get long consts *)
modules0.mod:31: ext: RECORD extlev, maxIdentLen: INTEGER32; END;
modules0.mod:31: ASSERT(j <= MAX(INTEGER32));
modules0.mod:31: S.PUT(t, S.VAL(INTEGER32, j)); (* todo x64 Bit: remove 32Bit boundary *)
modules0.mod:31: S.PUT(t, S.VAL(INTEGER32, -(nofptr+2)*ptroffSize)); (* todo x64 Bit: remove 32Bit boundary *)
modules0.mod:31: TYPE STdPtr = POINTER TO RECORD tag: ADDRESS64; size: INTEGER64; p0, p1: INTEGER32; END; (* todo x64 bit; *)
modules.mod:539: INTEGER32 = S.SIGNED_32;
modules.mod:539: PointerOffset = INTEGER32; (* type used for ptr offsets in TypeDescs; todo 64 xbit: change to INT64 *)
modules.mod:539: data-, const-, code-: POINTER TO ARRAY OF INTEGER32;
modules.mod:539: ext: RECORD extlev, maxIdentLen: INTEGER32; END;
modules.mod:539: extlev: INTEGER32;
oberon.mod:33: PROCEDURE MinTime(): SYSTEM.SIGNED_32; (* << *)
oberon.mod:33: minTime := MAX(SYSTEM.SIGNED_32); t := PrevTask;
oberon.mod:33: RETURN
pictures.mod:6: INT32 = S.SIGNED_32;
pictures.mod:6: pixels: ARRAY 256 OF INT32; (* Handle to X11 - Color cell *)
pictures.mod:6: truePix: ARRAY trueColorPaletteSize, trueColorPaletteSize, trueColorPaletteSize OF INT32;
pictures.mod:6: VAR iPtr: X11.ImagePtr; img: X11.Image; filler, bits: INTEGER; x, y, z, n, dummy2: INT32;
put.mod:3: INTEGER32 = SYS.SIGNED_32;
put.mod:3: VAR i: INTEGER; si: SHORTINT; li: INTEGER32; qi: INTEGER64; r1: Ref.Rider;
put.mod:3: VAR r, r1: Ref.Rider; i, j: INTEGER; si: SHORTINT; li: INTEGER32; qi: INTEGER64;
reals.mod:45: VAR i: S.SIGNED_64; k: INTEGER; h, q, q2:S.SIGNED_32;
ref.mod:6: PROCEDURE (VAR r: Rider) WriteLInt* (li: S.SIGNED_32);
ref.mod:6: IF r.form = Procedure THEN S.PUT(r.Adr(), S.VAL(S.ADDRESS_32, p))
ref.mod:6: IF r.form = Pointer THEN S.PUT(r.Adr(), S.VAL(S.ADDRESS_32, p))
refelems.mod:6: VAR si: SHORTINT; i, j: INTEGER; li: S.SIGNED_32; qi: S.SIGNED_64; adr: LONGINT;
rtdt.mod:174: Instruction* = SYS.SIGNED_32; (* 4 byte *)
rtdt.mod:174: PROCEDURE Trap (VAR sigArgs: Sys.SigArgs; mechArgs: Sys.MechArgs): SYS.SIGNED_32;
rtdt.mod:174: VAR retval: SYS.SIGNED_32; p: Proc;
rtdt.mod:174: instr := SYS.VAL(SYS.SIGNED_32, ASH(01AH, 26) + ASH(R31, 21) + ASH(RA, 16) + ASH(0, 0)); SYS.PUT(codeseg + 8, instr);
system.mod:285: PROCEDURE Trap (VAR sigArgs: EX.SigArgs; mechArgs: EX.MechArgs): SYSTEM.SIGNED_32;
system.mod:285: Texts.WriteInt(W, LEN(m.code^)*SIZE(SYSTEM.SIGNED_32), 5);
system.mod:285: ch: CHAR; cv, completion: SYSTEM.SIGNED_32;
system.mod:285: context, status: SYSTEM.SIGNED_32;
types.mod:61: ext-: RECORD extlev-, maxIdentLen-: INTEGER32; END;
unix.mod hides the OpenVMS operating system interface)
unix.mod:334: PID* = SY.SIGNED_32; (* Process Id. *)
unix.mod:334: sec*, usec*: SY.SIGNED_32
unix.mod:334: BaseSecs: SY.SIGNED_32; (* TimeBase - UnixEpoch in seconds *)
unix.mod:334: PROCEDURE Adr32* (VAR s :ARRAY OF SY.BYTE):SY.SIGNED_32;
unix.mod:334: RETURN (SY.VAL(SY.SIGNED_32, adr) # adr); (* hG/28-Oct-1997 faster than next line*)
unix.mod:334: PROCEDURE Exit*(status: SY.SIGNED_32);
unix.mod:334: VAR mem: SY.SIGNED_32;
unix.mod:334: result:SY.SIGNED_32; l: SY.SIGNED_64;
unix.mod:334: VAR size: SY.SIGNED_64; result: SY.SIGNED_32;
unix.mod:334: result := lib.LIB$FREE_VM (SY.SHORT(size), SY.VAL(SY.SIGNED_32, mem));
unix.mod:334: secs, usecs, n:SY.SIGNED_32;
unix.mod:334: f0.fab.XAB := SY.VAL(SY.SIGNED_32, NIL);
unix.mod:334: n: SY.SIGNED_32;
unix.mod:334: VAR n: SY.SIGNED_32;
unix.mod:334: ut.sec := SY.VAL(SY.SIGNED_32, clock); ut.usec := 0;
unix.mod:334: dummy_length: SY.SIGNED_32;
unix.mod:334: dummy_length: SY.SIGNED_32;
unix.mod:334: cv := VMS.SYS$DCLEXH(SY.VAL(SY.SIGNED_32, ep)); (* todo 64Bit *)
unix.mod:334: completion: SY.SIGNED_32 (*CV*);
unix.mod:334: m : SY.SIGNED_32;
Oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch mailing list for ETH Oberon and related systems
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