[Oberon] Expression to the left of the variable

Diego Sardina dsar at eml.cc
Fri May 7 14:38:38 CEST 2021

On Thu, May 6, 2021, at 3:57 AM, eas lab wrote:
> it's what you get used to.
> For decades I was comfortable with Pascal syntax.
> Now it looks klunky & I want syntax-coloring to distinguish it's
>  function/arguments/result.
> IMO `poplog` has the clearest syntax:
>   "a+1->b"  is better than "b :=a+1"

Yes, older languages had this syntax.

This is also mentioned in Wirth's compiler book but left as exercise.
I would like to discuss it with you (all) since I wasn't sure of my answers.

10.2. Had the assignment statement in Oberon been defined in a form where the assigned expression occurs to the left of the variable, that is for example by the form  e =: v, would compilation of assignments be simpler in any way? 

10.3. Consider the introduction of a multiple assignment in Oberon of the form e =: x0 =: x1 =:  ...  =: xn. Implement it. Does the definition of its semantics present any problems?

My answer for the first is that it simplifies the code generation for the assignment since it follows the flow and in the second I don't see any problems in its semantics.
In general I see only advantages in both for lexing, parsing and code generation.

What are your answers?

Diego Sardina

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