[Oberon] Fun with π

Hans Klaver hklaver at dds.nl
Tue Mar 15 00:44:50 CET 2022

Hi all,

Here are a few programs to have fun with π.

The first is just a joke, and shows how even Oberon code can be obfuscated ;-)
It calculates π by measuring the surface of a round disc. Feeding it larger discs
increases the number of decimals of π, but only very gradually: you need a ten times
larger disc to gain one decimal precision.

The second one is more interesting because the algorithm used produces quite a lot 
of digits of pi using only ordinary integer operations; no need for floating point or 
some arbitrary-precision datatype. 

In Oberon System V5 it can calculate about 10,000 digits, and several hundreds of 
thousands of digits can be produced by a slight variation of the algorithm run from 
the command line (see the third program).

Hans Klaver

MODULE Westley;  (* hk 3.14.2022 *)
  After an obfuscated C program by Brian Westley (IOCCC, 1988).
  Select (the start of) a circle and middle click Westley.FOO @

  Note that the underscore is not rendered well in Oberon10 font, so use Courier10 font to draw circles.
  Separate two circles with "~~~".
  IMPORT Foo := In, FoO := Out;
  PROCEDURE FOO*;  (* just foo'ing around *)
    CONST BAR = 9X; Bar = 0DX; baR = 20X; bar = 2DX; BaR = 5FX;
    VAR foo: CHAR;
      F,OO: REAL;
      f,O0: INTEGER;
  BEGIN f:=0;O0:=0;
    Foo.Open; Foo.Char(foo);
    WHILE Foo.Done & (foo # "~") DO
      WHILE (foo = BAR) OR (foo = Bar) OR (foo = baR) DO
      ELSIF foo = BaR DO
        DEC(f); DEC(O0);
      ELSIF foo = bar DO
        Foo.Char(foo); Foo.Char(foo)
      Foo.Char(foo); Foo.Char(foo)
    F := FLT(f);
    OO := FLT(O0);
    FoO.Real(4.0*(-F)/OO/OO, 12); FoO.Ln
END Westley.FOO @

Edit.ChangeFont Courier10.Fnt

      _-_-_ _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_


MODULE PiSpigot4;  (* hk 3.14.2022 *)  (* PiSpigot4.Compute *)
  Computes pi to (a few more than) N decimal digits.
  After an obfuscated C program by Dik T. Winter at CWI Amsterdam,
  (that computes 800 digits of pi) and its rewrite in C by Ben Lynn.

    int a=10000,b,c=2800,d,e,f[2801],g;main(){for(;b-c;)f[b++]=a/5;

  It uses a 'spigot' algorithm (dripping out digits as if from a tap,
  in this special case four by four) and does not use the digits after 
  they are computed.

  Based on evaluation of a mathematical series that is a mixed-radix 
  representation of pi with variable base = ( 1/3, 2/5, 3/7, 4/9, ...);
  in this base pi is simply a list of 2's.
  S. Rabinowitz & S. Wagon, A Spigot Algorithm for the Digits of π.
  The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 102, No. 3 (Mar., 1995), pp. 195-203
  Jörg Arndt and Christoph Haenel. 'π Unleashed', 2nd ed., 2001. 

    N = 10000;      (* number of digits of pi to compute; max. 10015 on Oberon V5 *)                      
    len = (N DIV 4 + 1) * 14;

  VAR f: ARRAY len OF INTEGER;                      (* array of 4-digit decimals  *)
  PROCEDURE Compute*;
      a = 10000;                                    (* new base, 4 decimal digits *)
      aDIV5 = a DIV 5;                    
      b,                                            (* numerator previous base    *)
      c,                                            (* counter                    *)
      d,                                            (* accumulator & carry        *)
      e,                                            (* saves previous 4 digits    *)
      g: INTEGER;                                   (* denominator previous base  *)

    PROCEDURE WritePaddedInt (x, n: INTEGER; ch: CHAR);
    (* Write integer x in a field of at least n characters, padded 
       to the left with enough characters ch to fill the whole field *)
      VAR i, x0: INTEGER;
    BEGIN i := 0;  x0 := x;
      REPEAT x0 := x0 DIV 10; INC(i) UNTIL x0 = 0;  (* x has i digits *)
      WHILE n > i DO Out.Char(ch); DEC(n) END;  Out.Int(x, 0)
    END WritePaddedInt;
  BEGIN ASSERT(N < 54933);  (* at digit 54936 pi has 4 zero's at an index divisible by 4  
                               which this version of the algorithm cannot handle properly *)
    FOR b := 0 TO len - 1 DO f[b] := aDIV5 END;     (* initialize the array with 2000's   *)
    e := 0;
    FOR c := len - 1 TO 1 BY -14 DO                 (* outer loop: 4 digits / loop        *)
      d := 0;                                       (* initialize accumulator & carry     *)
      b := c;
      REPEAT                                        (* inner loop: radix conversion       *)
        INC(d, f[b] * a);        
        g := b + b - 1;                             (* denominator previous base          *)
        f[b] := d MOD g;
        d := d DIV g;                               (* save carry                         *)
        IF b # 0 THEN d := d * b END                (* accum. := accum. * num. prev. base *)
      UNTIL b = 0;
      WritePaddedInt(e + d DIV a, 4, "0");          (* print previous 4 digits; 
                                                       the leading zeros are significant! *)
      IF c MOD 196 < 14 THEN Out.Ln END;            (* to fit into the System.Log         *)
      e := d MOD a                                  (* saves current 4 digits             *)
    END;  Out.Ln
  END Compute;

END PiSpigot4.Compute

MODULE PiSpigot;
  Oberon-07 program to compute N digits of π. 
  Compiled with OBNC for the POSIX console (Windows, macOS, Linux).
  After a C program in the book 'π Unleashed' (p. 81), 2nd ed., 2001,
  by Jörg Arndt and Christoph Haenel.
  It uses a 'spigot' algorithm by Rabinowitz & Wagon, as modified by Haenel.
  The algorithm drips out digits of π, one per loop, as if from a leaky tap, 
  and does not use the digits after they are computed. It only uses INTEGER, 
  no need for floating point or 'bignum'.
  Based on evaluation of a mathematical series: 
    π = 2 + 1/3(2 + 2/5(2 + 3/7(2 + 4/9(2 + ...))))
  in which π can be seen as a number in a number system with a variable base.
  The 'mixed-radix' base b = (1/3, 2/5, 3/7, 4/9, ...) and now π itself 
  simply is written as an infinite list of 2's. The rest of the algorithm
  is a radix conversion to the decimal number system.
  The original algorithm (and a Pascal program) is described in the paper: 
  A Spigot Algorithm for the Digits of π, by Stanley Rabinowitz & Stan Wagon,
  Amer. Math. Monthly, March 1995, 195-203.

  Bug fixes for the algorithm and an earlier C program by Christoph Haenel:   
  For an explanation of how the algorithm works read the above R&W paper, 
  or see the book 'π-Unleashed' by Arndt & Haenel, 
  or see: http://www.pi314.net/eng/goutte.php
  IMPORT Out, Input;
    N = 20000;             (* max. N = 209602 before 'Segmentation fault' *)
    len = 10*N DIV 3 + 1;  (* ?? 10*N + 3 + 1 *)
    a: ARRAY len OF INTEGER;
    t: INTEGER;      (* time *)
  (* Time in seconds *)
  BEGIN RETURN Input.Time() DIV Input.TimeUnit
  END GetClock;

  PROCEDURE Calculate (n: INTEGER);
  (* Calculate the first n decimal digits of π *)
      i, p, q,                              
      nines: INTEGER;                          (* number of 9's next to each other  *)
  BEGIN (* ASSERT(n <= N); *)
    i := 0;  p := -1;  q := -1;  nines := 0;
    FOR i := 0 TO len - 1 DO a[i] := 2 END;    (* fill a[] with 2's                 *)
    WHILE n >= 0 DO
      (* Normalise and compensate for the very first digit *)
      q := 0;
      FOR i := len - 1 TO 1 BY -1 DO           (* work from right to left           *)
        q := q + 10*a[i];                      (* q := carry + 10*a[i]              *)
        a[i] := q MOD (i+i+1);                 (* a[i] := remainder                 *)
        q := q DIV (i+i+1);                    (* quotient := FLOOR(q/(2*i+1))*i    *)
        q := q * i                             (*    now q = carry                  *)
      (* The first digit is post-processed *)
      q := q + 10*a[0];                        (* q := carry + 10*a[0]              *)
      a[0] := q MOD 10;
      q := q DIV 10;                           (* q: next provisional digit         *)
      IF q = 9 THEN INC(nines)                 (* q = 9: increment no. of 9's       *)
        IF p >= 0 THEN Out.Int(p + q DIV 10, 0) END;  (* p: previous provis. digit  *)
        IF n < nines THEN nines := n END;             (* adjust digits to print     *)
        DEC(n, nines + 1);
        WHILE nines >= 0 DO                           (* print 9's or 0's           *)
          IF q = 10 THEN Out.Int(0, 0) ELSE Out.Int(9, 0) END;
        nines := 0;
        IF q = 10 THEN p := 0 ELSE p := q END  (* set previous provisional digit    *)
    END; Out.Ln
  END Calculate;

  t := GetClock();
  t := GetClock() - t;
  Out.String("run-time = "); Out.Int(t, 0); Out.String(" s"); Out.Ln
END PiSpigot.


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