[Oberon] RFC 5322 and ETH Oberon SMTP.

Joerg joerg.straube at iaeth.ch
Fri Jul 15 08:17:33 CEST 2022


You said „some“. Do I understand correctly, that not ALL emails are bounced? In other words: is it a sporadic effect?

Did you investigate what is special with the bounced emails?
- are they longer than others?
- do they have one or more receipients?
- do they have long attachments?
- when you close and reopen A2 does the same email bounce again?


> Am 14.07.2022 um 18:23 schrieb peter at easthope.ca:
> Hi,
> Some of my messages sent by SMTP in the Oberon subsystem of A2 bounce 
> with a report such as this.
> <aabbcc at gmail.com>: host gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com[] said:
>    550-5.7.1 [] Our system has detected that this message is not
>    RFC 550-5.7.1 5322 compliant. To reduce the amount of spam sent to Gmail,
>    this 550-5.7.1 message has been blocked. Please review 550 5.7.1  RFC 5322
>    specifications for more information.
>    gs16-20020a1709072d1000b00718c7b4cbeasi2856260ejc.991 - gsmtp (in reply to
>    end of DATA command)
> The reference to RFC 5322 is non-specific.  Most incidents are for 
> Gmail addresses but some other addresses have produced bounces.
> Ideas?
> Thx,                                 ... P.
> -- 
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