[Oberon] Re (2): Re(2): RFC 5322 and ETH Oberon SMTP.

peter at easthope.ca peter at easthope.ca
Mon Jul 18 15:06:02 CEST 2022

From:	Paul Reed <paulreed at paddedcell.com>
Date:	Mon, 18 Jul 2022 11:02:05 +0100
> I can't see any validation of email addresses at all - maybe a 
> validation routine would be worth putting in and called for each email 
> address processed? You could put separate logging/debugging in that. 
> Sometimes text copied from various sources has hidden blank characters 
> - or might be UTF-8, for example...

Noted, thanks.  In a few weeks, when the tutorial images are finished,
I can focus effort on Mail.

> Looks like https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Oberon/A2/Oberon.Mail.Mod has a 
> trace BOOLEAN which if set will output to the system log. It's set by
>      trace := NetTools.QueryBool("TraceMail");
> in Mail.Send. But the tracing code is separate from the network write 
> statements, so it's not strictly a validation of the data sent (e.g., 
> line-endings). Wireshark might be better/easier.

Will review that also.

Thanks again,                    ... P.L.

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