[Oberon] Shortening Files.WriteBuf

Andreas Pirklbauer andreas_pirklbauer at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 8 20:38:47 CET 2023

When rewriting Files.Mod to allow for arbitrarily large file sizes while simultaneously maintaining a very low memory footprint in f.ext (and a new f.dbl), I bumped into some code in Files.Mod that seems unnecessary (i.e. removing it does nothing to the system)

Does anyone see any strong reason why one CANNOT shorten Files. WriteBuf


  PROCEDURE WriteBuf(f: File; buf: Buffer);
    VAR i, k: INTEGER;
      secadr: DiskAdr; inx: Index;
    IF buf.apos < STS THEN
      secadr := f.sec[buf.apos];
      IF secadr = 0 THEN
        Disk.AllocSector(f.sechint, secadr);
        f.modH := TRUE; f.sec[buf.apos] := secadr; f.sechint := secadr
      END ;
      IF buf.apos = 0 THEN
        UpdateHeader(f, SYSTEM.VAL(FileDir.FileHeader, buf.data)); f.modH := FALSE
    ELSE i := (buf.apos - STS) DIV XS; inx := f.ext[i];
      IF inx = NIL THEN
        NEW(inx); inx.adr := 0; inx.sec[0] := 0; f.ext[i] := inx; f.modH := TRUE
      END ;
      k := (buf.apos - STS) MOD XS; secadr := inx.sec[k];
      IF secadr = 0 THEN
        Disk.AllocSector(f.sechint, secadr);
        f.modH := TRUE; inx.mod := TRUE; inx.sec[k] := secadr; f.sechint := secadr
    END ;
    Disk.PutSector(secadr, buf.data); buf.mod := FALSE
  END WriteBuf;


  PROCEDURE WriteBuf(f: File; buf: Buffer);
      secadr: DiskAdr; inx: Index;
    IF buf.apos < STS THEN
      secadr := f.sec[buf.apos];
      IF secadr = 0 THEN
        Disk.AllocSector(f.sechint, secadr);
        f.modH := TRUE; f.sec[buf.apos] := secadr; f.sechint := secadr
      END ;
      IF buf.apos = 0 THEN
        UpdateHeader(f, SYSTEM.VAL(FileDir.FileHeader, buf.data)); f.modH := FALSE
    ELSE inx := f.ext[(buf.apos - STS) DIV XS];
      i := (buf.apos - STS) MOD XS; secadr := inx.sec[i];
      IF secadr = 0 THEN
        Disk.AllocSector(f.sechint, secadr);
        inx.mod := TRUE; inx.sec[i] := secadr; f.sechint := secadr
    END ;
    Disk.PutSector(secadr, buf.data); buf.mod := FALSE
  END WriteBuf;


Two changes were made:

1) the code IF inx = NIL THEN .. END is removed - since the in-memory data structure rooted in f.ext[i] can only ever grow in Files.NewExt)

2) the assignment f.modH in the last IF statement of Files.WriteBuf is removed - as this is handled by IF inx.mod THEN .. END in Files.Unbuffer

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