[Oberon] Re (2): HotKeys and SystemTools.

peter at easthope.ca peter at easthope.ca
Sun Dec 3 16:56:43 CET 2023

Joerg & all,

From:	Joerg <joerg.straube at iaeth.ch>
Date:	Sun, 3 Dec 2023 13:21:26 +0500
> Does this error appear while booting Oberon?

Happens while the Oberon subsystem is running.  The subsystem can be 
started with A2 Tools > Oberon.  Then the Oberon display is in a 
viewer in the A2 display.  So far, so good.  =8~)

> Or what key do you press?

Then I press F12, which HotKeys should assign to disable itself.  That 
invokes "SystemTools.Free HotKeys".  In absence of SystemTools, an 
error occurs.  =8~/

Should SystemTools be in the system or not?  While that is ambiguous 
we can't expect an internally consistent system.

Aside from that, the star-shaped marker is essential to the interface 
of the Oberon subsystem. I commented out the three lines in 
HotKeys.XML which assign A2 usage to F1 and F2. Commenting out the 
lines doesn't help.  F1 still doesn't set the Oberon star marker.  So 
the Oberon subsystem appears OK but is unusable.  =8~/

Appears that two problems may exist: one with HotKeys, one with 
SystemTools. Or somehow one comes from the other.

Thanks,                            ... P.L.

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