[Oberon] Oberon - Lola compiler

Paul Reed paulreed at paddedcell.com
Mon May 6 10:55:11 CEST 2024

Hi Daniel,

> Is anybody out there who has experience with the Lola Compiler (Lola-
>> Verilog)? Could compile the compiler, but i'm stuck to get it work
> with a module.lola file. Thanks for any hint.

I use the Lola-2 compiler frequently in my work with FPGAs.

If you're working within the Project Oberon system on an FPGA (you don't 
say) then selecting (with mouse right button) the beginning of a Lola-2 
module text and executing

   LSC.Compile @

will scan, parse and compile the text to an in-memory data structure 
(basically a netlist).

Then executing

   LSV.List Test.Lola.v

(the filename doesn't matter and doesn't have to be the same as the 
Lola-2 module name) will output equivalent Verilog code, for reading by 
proprietary or open-source FPGA tools.

These commands are provided at the top of


so you can try compiling the two examples in that file.

I hope that helps, please post some more details if you're still stuck.


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