[Oberon] Univ. Linz Oberon collection

oberon-eth at email.cz oberon-eth at email.cz
Sun May 19 16:10:04 CEST 2024

Maybe I am late to this thread but quick check showed me that following

link is working:


And this one as well:


What is not working is their ftp server. So maybe they just turned off only 
ftp server?

Can someone confirm that they are still developing in oberon at Johannes 
Kepler University in Linz?

Or is this austrian project dead?



---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Skulski, Wojciech <skulski at pas.rochester.edu>
Komu: ETH Oberon and related systems <oberon at lists.inf.ethz.ch>
Datum: 10. 5. 2024 5:28:44
Předmět: [Oberon] Univ. Linz Oberon collection
"FYI, the Liz University FTP server is no longer available. The Linz Oberon 
collection cannot be reached from their website. I asked Professor 
Mossenboeck. He kindly directed me to their ZIP archive. It is pretty big 
(76 MB), but what is 76 MB these days.... I suggest that everyone grabs the 
file and stores in some safe place. It is full of amazing stuff. 

No longer supported: https://ssw.jku.at/Research/Projects/OberonDownloads.

But you can download what they still have from https://ssw.jku.at/Oberon.zip


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