[Oberon] [EXT] Re: Univ. Linz Oberon collection

Andreas Pirklbauer andreas_pirklbauer at yahoo.com
Mon May 20 08:13:43 CEST 2024

  > There is always email address behind particular source code.
  > For example moessenboeck at ssw.uni-linz.ac.at
  > Did you ask for confirmation oberon programming is really dead at jku?

The University of Linz has stopped using Oberon as a primary teaching languages years ago and has switched to other languages. In particular Java, where they did some work in collaboration with Sun Microsystems, now Oracle.

And since Prof. Mössenböck is about to retire, someone else would need to bring Oberon back to live in Linz.. which appears a bit unlikely. It’s similar to ETH Zurichm where most people who have carried Oberon forward throughout the years have retired or are retiring soon. 

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