<HTML><BODY><p>Type REAL has 7-8 significant digits according to different documentation for programming languages.</p><p>So, situation, described by Zdenek is not the case that affected by this limitation.</p><p>To see the limits, modify the Zdenek's example a bit (in BlackBox environment, for example).</p><p>This variant still returns correct result (we see that 8 digits are correct):<br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p>MODULE M1;<br>IMPORT<br>        StdLog;<br>        PROCEDURE Do*;<br>VAR<br>        r: REAL;<br>BEGIN<br>        r := 12345678 / 100 * 100;<br>        StdLog.Int(ENTIER(r * 1000000));<br>        StdLog.Ln;<br>END Do;<br>        BEGIN<br>END M1.<br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p>Output: 12345678000000 --- It seems, BlackBox StdLog.Int() capable of printing 64-bit integers, as this example works fine.</p><p>Then, lets add the '9' to our number... and we will get error, caused by REAL type limitations.<br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p>For 123456789 the output will be 123456788999999<br data-mce-bogus="1"></p><p><br>---<br>Cheers, SAGE<br>http://sage.com.ua/<br></p></BODY></HTML>