[SCION] SIG Configuration

Frei Matthias matthias.frei at inf.ethz.ch
Tue Feb 9 08:47:55 CET 2021

Hi Dheeraj,

you're right, there needs to be a SIG section in the topology.json file -- this is used by the border router to resolve the SVC_SIG service address and without it I believe you should see errors in the border router's log.

I took this part out of the tutorials because we've simply added it to the configuration file by default -- unfortunately though, we've only added this for SCIONLab User ASes and not the infrastructure ASes that you are running this on now. Sorry for adding confusion. I will add a hint to the the tutorials page.

The snippet that you need to add to the topology file is:


  "sigs": {
    "sig-1": {
      "ctrl_addr": "<AS internal ip>:30256",
      "data_addr": "<AS internal ip>:30056"


where "<AS internal IP>" should replaced with the actual IP address of the host running the SIG.



From: SCION <scion-bounces at lists.inf.ethz.ch> on behalf of Chandrashekar Dheeraj <dheeraj.chandrashekar at aalto.fi>
Sent: Tuesday, 9 February 2021 6:39:13 AM
To: Cedric Meury
Cc: scion at lists.inf.ethz.ch
Subject: Re: [SCION] SIG Configuration

Hello Cedric

Yes, I'm trying to setup a SIG between ASes 130d and 130e.

I had setup the SIG before the SCION upgrade, but not able to do it now.

I tried to give the remote IP address in sig.toml, also tried the default IP still not reachable.

- I remember previously when the SIG was working, I had defined a SIG section in topology.json file and assigning a IP address

  which basically tells the AS to run SIG on that IP address, so that the remote AS can connect

  But, I lost the topology.json file after the upgrade and I cannot seem to remember the part.

Its the same after assigning the IP addresses and adding routes.



From: Cedric Meury <meury.cedric at inf.ethz.ch>
Sent: 08 February 2021 19:18:01
To: Chandrashekar Dheeraj
Cc: scion at lists.inf.ethz.ch
Subject: Re: [SCION] SIG Configuration

Hi Dheeraj

I’ve corrected the link, the component was renamed to “posix-gateway” upstream. Thanks for letting us know.

As for the SIG operation itself, are you trying to set this up between the hosts running ASes 130e and 130d? If so, I noticed two things:

- The sig.toml uses the IP address of the remote host for connecting to the scion-daemon, and vice versa on the other host. Is the intentional?
- The sig devices have no IP address assigned

If that is not helping, or you are setting this up on completely different hosts, then kindly ignore my comments — but may I suggest putting your sig.json, sig.toml, network interface setup and routes into a gist or similar and post it here? That way somehow with more knowledge about the SIG can follow-up.


> On 8 Feb 2021, at 07:33, Chandrashekar Dheeraj <dheeraj.chandrashekar at aalto.fi> wrote:
> Hello
> I have two ASes each running its services on a dedicated IP instead of and I was trying
> to establish a SIG between the same, however even after following the instruction from
> https://docs.scionlab.org/ I still cannot Ping each other.
> Do I need to add something to the topology.json file in order to make the SIG work ?
> Also the SIG github page shows 404 page not found error.
> Regards
> Dheeraj
> Research Assistant
> Dept of COMNET
> Aalto University
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