[Oberon] New BB release

Ulrike Glavitsch ulrike.glavitsch at inf.ethz.ch
Wed Feb 7 15:55:18 MET 2007

Dear BB users,

a new crazy-fresh release is available under 
http://www.bluebottle.ethz.ch/dlcrazy.html for download.
It mainly contains bug fixes and cleanups. However, for developers using 
PET there is a significant change.
The compiler option \Ws is set per default. This means that all unused 
constants, variables, types, procedures and modules are marked when you 
compile source code from PET. This may help to keep your code clean from 
unused code. Compiler warnings are denoted with a yellow marker whereas 
compiler errors continue to be marked in red.

I wish everyone good luck with the new release.

Best regards,

Ulla Glavitsch

ETH Zürich
Ulrike Glavitsch Eggler
Institut für Computersysteme
Clausiusstrasse 59
CH-8092 Zürich
Tel.: +41 44 632 70 49
Fax : +41 44 632 13 07

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