[Oberon] Are shortCuts allowed?

eas lab lab.eas at gmail.com
Mon May 1 04:19:08 CEST 2017

Have I overlooked any good reason why <FN> should NOT
System.Store the TextFrame that received the last KeyStroke?

For complex jobs, where you are reading previous Log : A
and comparing text/code in Frame : B
with text/code in Frame : C,
while writing the new report in Frame : D,
and constructing text/code in Frame : E,  from B & C;
the user will want to make frequent FilesSaves,
to be able to recover from likely mistakes.

Ie. the frequency of System.Store to KeyStroke is higher than
anticipated in the original design.  So that it's much more
efficient to just <hit a F-key> to System.Store than reach
for the mouse.

Computing is not about computers; it's about HCI.
[linux] wily, which is derived from ETHO has made a number
of enhancements: adjustable frame-width & add/delete extra
tracks; but also doesn't include my above suggestion.

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