[Barrelfish] [Barrelfish-users] System knowledge base microbenchmarks?

Timothy Roscoe troscoe at inf.ethz.ch
Tue Oct 6 13:54:41 MEST 2009

Dear Mike,

We do indeed perform microbenchmarks on startup - for example, the 
multicast tree mentioned in the SOSP paper is constructed using an SKB 
query over core-core messaging latency values measured when Barrelfish 
first boots.   Most of the current online microbenchmarks are driven by 
the immediate needs of the OS, but we certainly plan to extend these in 
the future.

Best regards,

  -- Mothy

Michael N. Gagnon wrote:
> Hi Barrelfishers,
> "Embracing diversity in the Barrelfish manycore operating system"
> says that Barrelfish will use (or uses?) a "system knowledge base" to
> educate system-resource policies and derives the SKB using "online
> measurement and profiling."  The paper specifically mentions application
> benchmarking but does not explicitly mention the use of
> micro-benchmarking.  It seems micro-benchmarking would be useful to
> measure properties of the hardware system  (like  X-Ray [1]).  Does
> Barrelfish use micro-benchmarks this way?
> [1] Kamen Yotov, Keshav Pingali, and Paul Stodghill.
> X-ray: A tool for automatic measurement of hardware
> parameters. In International Conference on the
> Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, 2005.
> Thank you,
> Mike
> --
> Michael N. Gagnon
> Computer Science Ph.D. Student, Harvard University
> http://people.seas.harvard.edu/~mgagnon/
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