[Barrelfish] [Barrelfish-users] System knowledge base microbenchmarks?

Michael N. Gagnon mgagnon at seas.harvard.edu
Wed Oct 7 00:52:21 MEST 2009

Hi again, and thank you for the quick reply.  I have another question.

I took a quick look at the source code and it looks like there are 
user-mode and kernel-mode micro benchmarks.

kernel/include/kernel/microbenchmarks.h defines MICROBENCH_ITERATIONS to 
be 64
usr/bench/bench.c defines MICROBENCH_ITERATIONS to be 1000000

I am curious, what motivated these particular values?


Timothy Roscoe wrote:
> Dear Mike,
> We do indeed perform microbenchmarks on startup - for example, the 
> multicast tree mentioned in the SOSP paper is constructed using an SKB 
> query over core-core messaging latency values measured when Barrelfish 
> first boots.   Most of the current online microbenchmarks are driven by 
> the immediate needs of the OS, but we certainly plan to extend these in 
> the future.
> Best regards,
>  -- Mothy
> Michael N. Gagnon wrote:
>> Hi Barrelfishers,
>> "Embracing diversity in the Barrelfish manycore operating system"
>> says that Barrelfish will use (or uses?) a "system knowledge base" to
>> educate system-resource policies and derives the SKB using "online
>> measurement and profiling."  The paper specifically mentions application
>> benchmarking but does not explicitly mention the use of
>> micro-benchmarking.  It seems micro-benchmarking would be useful to
>> measure properties of the hardware system  (like  X-Ray [1]).  Does
>> Barrelfish use micro-benchmarks this way?
>> [1] Kamen Yotov, Keshav Pingali, and Paul Stodghill.
>> X-ray: A tool for automatic measurement of hardware
>> parameters. In International Conference on the
>> Quantitative Evaluation of Systems, 2005.
>> Thank you,
>> Mike
>> -- 
>> Michael N. Gagnon
>> Computer Science Ph.D. Student, Harvard University
>> http://people.seas.harvard.edu/~mgagnon/
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