[Barrelfish-users] Concurrent Haskell on Barrelfish

Nick Rutherford nick.rutherford at gmail.com
Fri Jan 20 19:16:49 CET 2012

Thanks, I'll give this a go and see how I get on.

I've also found a number of interesting projects spun off from GHC
which I'm going to take a look at, e.g. GDH and CHP. I'm currently
envisioning something like Erlang nodes, with a vm per core, but am
interested to see what's been done before and if this is the right


2012/1/19 Calum McCall <0800410m at student.gla.ac.uk>:
> Hi Nick,
> Ross McIlroy managed to port a lot of GHC to Barrelfish. His patches are not
> compatible with the latest version of GHC, they are from a slightly older
> one(I'm not sure which). The notes and patches can be found here:
> http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Porting%20GHC%20to%20Barrelfish
> As for a central point to start from I'm not aware of one. Ross' attempt is
> the only one I'm aware of.
> -Calum
> On 18/01/12 16:37, Nick Rutherford wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm planning to do my masters thesis at KTH/SICS on Haskell /
>> Barrelfish, and would like to enquire about two points.
>> Firstly, more for people at ETH, is anyone currently working on this
>> project: http://www.systems.ethz.ch/education/theses/haskellonbarrelfish
>> ?
>> This, or something similar, is what I'd like to work on.
>> Secondly, what's the state of Haskell on Barrelfish at present? Is
>> there a central point to start from in finding out what's going on
>> there?
>> Best Regards,
>> Nick
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