[Equal] EFTA Gericht gegen fuer Frauen reservierte Stellen
Katharina von Salis
vonsalis at pop.mydiax.ch
Wed Feb 5 17:31:12 CET 2003
von wegen fuer Frauen reservierten Stellen in Norwegen - nehme an,
das gilt auch bei uns?
HAve a nice evening/day
>via eq-uni - Liste kam:
>A recent ruling of EFTA Court on earmarking academic posts for women and
>Norwegian reactions for your information:
>(from www.norfa.no/news)
>Norway judged in EFTA Court
>The EFTA Court does not agree that Norway and the University of Oslo can
>continue to reserve posts exclusively for women and holds that Norway has
>failed to fulfil its obligations under articles 7 and 70 on equal
>treatment for men and women regarding employment.
>-I am pleased with the judgement. I hope it will contribute to make the
>university and politicians focus more on discrimination as a problem
>instead of only looking at the statistics, says Dag Øistein Endsjø, who,
>together with five other PhD candidates at the University of Oslo
>complained to the Likestillingsombud (equal rights commissioner) in 2000.
>The Likestillingsombud did not agree, and the complaint was sent to the
>EFTA Surveillance Authority.
>Norway's Minister of Education and Research, Kristin Clemet, is not
>pleased with the judgement:
>-It was not very surprising that the EFTA Court would be opposed to
>reserved posts for women. However, we will continue to ask universities
>and colleges to hire more women in positions like this. It will however be
>more likely to happen through mentoring and other initiatives, Kristin
>Clemet says.
>The decision as a whole can be read at
>http://www.eftacourt.lu/decidedcases.asp as E-1/02 24 January 2003
>See also http://www.euobserver.com/index.phtml?aid=9139
>Those who are going to attend the 3rd European Conference on Gender
>Equality in Higher Education in April, please be informed that Professor
>Kevät Nousiainen, Professor of Women's Law at the University of Helsinki,
>is going to discuss these recent legal developments in Europe in her key
>note address.
>with best regards,
> Liisa Husu * liisa.husu at helsinki.fi * eq-uni list moderator
Prof. K. von Salis Perch-Nielsen
Präsidentin Lenkungsausschuss
Bundesprogramm Chancengleichheit an Universitäten
Glärnischstr. 11
8805 Richterswil
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