[Equal] Second call for applications: Training Seminars for Women Scientists

Zimmermann Angela angelazimmermann at access.uzh.ch
Wed Feb 21 11:21:44 MET 2007

Liebe Equals!

Gerne möchten wir nochmals auf unten stehende Berufungstrainings 
aufmerksam machen, die für Wissenschaftlerinnen aller Disziplinen 
ausgeschrieben sind, die mindestens vor vier Jahren ihr PhD oder ihre 
Dissertation abgeschlossen haben und eine akademische Laufbahn 
anstreben. Bewerbungen können ab sofort bis Ende Juni 2007 eingereicht 
werden. Die Seminare finden von April 2007 bis Januar 2008 statt. 
Weitere Informationen finden sich im nachfolgenden Ausschreibungstext 
oder ausführlicher auf http://www.cews.org

Mit besten Grüssen
Angela  Zimmermann

Angela Zimmermann
UniFrauenstelle – Gleichstellung von Frau und Mann
Universität Zürich
Voltastr. 59
8044 Zürich
044 634 22 16

Encouragement to Advance – Training Seminars for Women Scientists

The programme 'Encouragement to Advance -Training Seminars for Women 
Scientists' intends to empower women scientists within the European 
Research Area (ERA), offering training on appointment procedures for 
professorships in Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, 
Germany, and the Czech Republic. Trainings encourage mobility and 
supranational careers in research and higher education.
Seminars are available for women scientists from all disciplines, who 
do not yet hold a position as a tenure professor but are qualified for 
appointments. Participants must hold a PhD or equivalent degree for a 
minimum of four years, speak English or German fluently and
preferably have an understanding of the general landscape of academia 
in the country they are aiming at.
Each four-day-long seminar provides a surplus of knowledge according 
to, international appointment procedures, training of how to conduct 
negotiations at universities committees, examination of application 
documents, individual support in career strategies development and 
Participants enter a Europe-wide network of women scientists with the 
seminar. An overall of 16 seminars, of 14 participants each, are held 
in Brussels from April 2007 until January 2008. Trainings are held in 
English or German, due to participants needs. A charge of 250 € covers 
training, overnight costs, access to communication platform and 
relevant documents given.
Applications are welcome and processed on an ongoing basis. Your latest 
chance to apply is
by the end of June 2007.  To apply to the programme, please send (1) 
Application Form; (2) Letter of Motivation (maximum of 1000 words) to 
the project coordinator: anke.lipinsky at cews.org.

Find more Information on http://www.cews.org
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