[Equal] Workshop for Women in Medicine: How to Write a Scientific Grant Application, April 15th

natalie.lerch-pieper at dekmed.uzh.ch natalie.lerch-pieper at dekmed.uzh.ch
Mon Feb 23 18:28:35 CET 2015

Dear Equals,

I would like to inform you about the following workshop for women in
medicine that is organized within the scope of the career development
program "Filling the Gap". I appreciate if you forward it to interested

April 15th: How to Write a Scientific Grant Application?

In the course participants will:
- be helped to get from an idea in the mind to a research question on paper
- understand the main components of a grant application
- write a relevant and concise application abstract
- appreciate what a reviewer expects from a grant application
- improve the readability, credibility and general quality of an

- Prof. Dr. David Nadal, Head Pediatric Infectious Deseases, Director
Children's Research Center (CRC) --> A reviewer's view
- John Dixon, FRCS MBA, Libra Medical Communications Training --> Workshop

Please send us your CV and a motivation letter (1 page max.) explaining why
you would like to attend (documents in English) at
fillingthegap at dekmed.uzh.ch Deadline: March 15th

More information and flyer see:

Best regards,

Natalie Lerch-Pieper, lic. phil.
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Nachwuchsförderung und Chancengleichheit

Universität Zürich
Dekanat der Medizinischen Fakultät
Pestalozzistrasse 3/5
CH-8091 Zürich
+41 44 634 10 94
natalie.lerch-pieper at dekmed.uzh.ch

Montag bis Mittwoch ganztags, Donnerstag vormittags
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